Harp History
Harps Through the Ages, A Causal History" by Bo Lawergren. A scholarly,
illustrated article about the angular harp 3000 B.C. to 1600 A.D
See also his article on angular
harps in the
summer issue (2011)
of Early Music America.
Chromatic Harp
Early Gaelic Harp Info - the historical Gaelic harp tradition of Ireland and the Highlands and Islands of Scotland.
Early Welsh Music and Instruments - medieval and renaissance Welsh music and poetry with voice, crwth and lyre.
Early, Medieval, Celtic Harps
Hair Raising
Harp History: Deborah Henson-Conant asks questions, Nancy Thym-Hochrein answers.
Harp History
Harp History and Culture - A listing of book titles.
The Harp: History, Care and
Feeding of
The Harp in Wales
History of the Harp in
"Nicolas-Charles Bochsa: harpiste,
compositeur, escroc (harpist, composer, crook)", new biography (in French)
by Michel Faul.
Wire-Strung Harp
- Information from Cynthia Cathcart
Wikipedia: harp history, types,
world harps. [Back to table of contents for Links & Resources]
For link questions, contact Joyce Rice at joyce@harpspectrum.org. |