Passing the Torch

Passing the Torch!

The website Harp Spectrum - Exploring the World of the Harp, is almost 24 years old! Founded in 1999 by the late Patricia Jaeger and myself, Joyce Rice, it has grown to encompass articles on historical, folk, pop and classical harp by knowledgeable, experienced people in all those fields. It also has a large section of general harp information – makers, repairers, composers, harp history, publications, societies, and much more.

I’ve had a wonderful time being in touch with so many harpists and harpers, gathering articles and writing some myself, and from correspondence I’ve received, I feel we’ve been fulfilling our mission of exploring the harp world, as well as helping budding composers learn to write well for the harp.

Now it’s time to pass the torch and find a successor to continue our mission and perhaps carve new paths.

(Our webmaster, Bob Zawalich, will also be retiring once we find someone to take over his duties.)

Want more information? Want to talk about the whole project? Please contact me at



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